Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Mr. Obama has announced that the White House will not be observing the National Day of Prayer. But then what do you expect from a devout Muslim in his faith. He is just again proving how hypocritical he is since he ran on the concept that he was supposed to be the modern day Abraham Lincoln. Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who said, "A man stands tallest when on his knees". I am pretty sure he wasn't meaning that he was praying to allah. Oh, well. It just goes right along with the direction we are going as a country under his leadership. Say what you will about the previous administration, at least then we still acted as if we had some fear of God!

Monday, May 04, 2009

School Picnic

Game Over
Ready to Run
Tagging Up

Saturday was Justin's school Spring Picnic. They are the highlight of the school year for him. This is the second picnic in a row his team has won. He did a good job.