Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We Did It!

Today we did American and Christian duties...we voted. Of course, we make no bones about declaring our support to the Republican Party. Yesterday at church we had Citizen's Day. In the evening service, Rev. Tolley and myself divided up the moral issues up for grabs during this election. We tried to give Biblical principles for why they were wrong, such as gambling, sanctitiy of life, and sexual orientaton. It is my firm belief that a truly enlightened Christian cannot vote for a politician who lends his/her vote to killing babies, same sex marriage, civil unions and gambling. These are issues/sins that are damning America and when Christians stand by and vote for the people who promote them, where does the blood of the future generations lie. Enough preaching. I understand not everyone would agree with my thoughts, but think about, it's may be closer to the truth than you realize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bro! Paul Peterson here! How's it going?

Do you owe me pizza yet?

