Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just A Thought

I recently watched a video clip on a friend of mine, Paul Peterson's, blog. It was of an atheist who was witnessed to by a Christian man and it was a good experience. While the man said he still believed there was no God, he made a statement that caused me to think. He asked this question, "How much do you have to hate someone to not proselytize (share your faith)?" He went on to ask, "If you know there is a Heaven and a Hell, how much do you have to hate someone to not tell them if they are not ready for eternal life?" It is a sobering thought. While today we here so much from "Christians" who say they don't share their faith openly on a regular basis because they don't want to offend anyone. Are we not being offensive by not alerting them to what lies ahead for them if they don't give their heart to Christ? Just a thought to consider as we face a new year. One of the areas that I am asking God to help me with during the 2009 year is evangelism and sharing my faith. As I think of this question, my heart is pricked!

1 comment:

Doug and Kim Hoffman said...

Amen, brother! After being in a foreign country where no one gets mad if you share your faith, it helps us realize Americans may be too "kind" in not wanting to "offend" someone. While we must be careful in the way that we witness, I'm convinced that our duty is to witness and leave the person to decide what they want to do. It might be better for them to be offended than to never have opportunity at all. I would hate for people to arrive in hell that have crossed my path and they say, "If only someone would have told me!" God help us.