Saturday, February 11, 2006

Excuse me young lady...

I was in the kitchen passing baseball with Justin while Vonnie was putting away some groceries. Vonnie happened to stand in front of Justin as he was about to throw the ball. That is when he said, "Excuse me young lady, I trying to pass baseball". Yesterday Don Hallenbeck, Justin and I had to run to Allen's True Value Hardware. As we were leaving, an older lady was sitting at the door trying to sell carnations for Valentine's Day. I told her I wasn't interested so she tried to sell Justin one. He said no and as he walked pasted her he continued to say, "You behave yoursef now, you hear." This kid runs his mouth way to much. He reminds me so much of his mother. Recently we were at a store and we were ready to check out but there was no cashier. A lady saw we were ready so she came to the register. Problem was, she was a midget and Justin recognized it and blurted out, "Look mom, she is a short one". Of course, at that time I started looking at other merchandise and gave Vonnie a look of scorn that would say, "Lady, I can't believe your child would say such a thing". Kids. Aren't they exciting?!?!


Bethany said...

One of my cousins almost hit a midget at a school crossing. At the last moment, she saw her little orange flag and slammed on her brakes. Whoops.

Anonymous said...

With a dad as short as Justin's, I'm surprised he even noticed the midget being short!
Love ya'll,

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone actually implied Justin's dad is short. Is there no political corrrectness in this world?

Aaron said...

To politically correct we would have to say Justin's dad is "vertically challenged."

Anonymous said...

Why refer to someone's vertical stature at all?