Monday, October 30, 2006

Youth Challenge 2006

I am sure every blogger will be posting about Youth Challenge (with exception of Aaron McCarty who is still having a bad day). Myself and five other guys from our church went out this year to Youth Challenge. The theme - Beyond Survival. It was a great time. We stayed at the Hampton Inn in Batesville, home of the Batesville Casket Company. We made it out in 8 hours and made it back in 9 hours. We hit snow near DuBois, PA. Nearly a half inch was on the ground. It was a very exciting trip and it was great traveling with the guys from church. A great time was had by most!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

noticed from local chatter and several blogs that this must be an all male event. do they have somthing like this where the wives can leave the children and husbands and frolic under the strobe lights for a few evenings