Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

There are a lot of people who have greatly impacted my life. Many teachers and instructors. Preachers and friends. But one sticks out above the dad. Dad has been a rock steady example in most every area you can think of. My dad never wired a house, built a new addition on our house. He never changed a transmission or an exhaust system. But he did do what he knew. He knew ball. So many were the days he was a catcher and I the pitcher. He was the quarterback and I was the wide receiver. We hunted and fished many times. Bottom line, he was always there and he still is. Many are the times I call for advice or to run something by him and he listens and offers sound advice. Today, as often as we can we still enjoy a round of golf together. Time well spent shooting the bologna as we travel around the course in our cart. Times that still help shape and mold our friendship. Thanks dad for all you have done. Your sacrifices and friendship. Your the best and I love you.

Then there is my father-in-law, Don Hallenbeck. I am sure he wasn't quite sure want his daughter was getting into when we married (he was my dorm dean at PVBI). But none the less, he accepted me into his family as if I were one of his own sons. He also has taught me a lot and I am grateful to have married into such a wonderful family. Thanks Don for all you have done.

1 comment:

Kara Plank said...

wow- when you update your blog, you go all all the pics!