Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A 2 Cent Annoyance

One of the great annoyances in my life the past few days has been the US Postal Service's grand idea to raise the price of stamps, AGAIN! The local postmaster says another raise is likely in 2007. After I recovered from my great outrage of such things, I realized I now have a stack of stamps that are useless, unless you go by a stack of two cent stamps. I know life will go on and the mail must still go through, but do they really have to try to make a yearly effort to frustrate the stew out of me?!?!


Jon Plank said...

Go down and buy $5 worth of them (250) for the kids. Seriously, that would be some cheap stickers!

Joel Byer said...

I wouldn't put up with it. I'd sue.