Saturday, January 28, 2006

XM Is Here To Stay!!

I recieved my XM2GO Satillite Radio today. Yep 'er, it arrived safe and sound to the top of my mail box. Now I realize that you do not need a college degree to deliver mail, but it seems that common sense should be a requirement! I have been expecting my radio for the past couple of days, so I had been on the lookout for it. Today as I came home from the church I saw something big ON THE TOP, did I tell you, ON THE TOP of my mailbox!!! Eighteen wheelers and log trucks frequently cruise by our house at high rates of speed which could have easily shaken my mail to the ground/road. Hello! I am sure what she was thinking went something like this, "Let's see. It is the middle of winter. The weather is unpredictable. It could rain. It could snow. Winds could reach 30 - 40 miles per hour (which it seems all three have occured in recent days) so I guess the best place to put this man's mail is right smack dap on the top of his mail box. Just in case, I will raise the flag to give it something to lean on." The only way I can excuse such madness is, SHE'S A WOMAN!!!!!!!!!


Kimberly said...

Hey, blog. I'm glad nothing happened to ruin your mail :) That would have been the end of the world, I'm sure....C ya in March.

Anonymous said...

Wait just one clocktick. I totally disagree with the anti-feminisism comments. What are YOU thinking?